The launch of IPL tournament has kicked off to a stretchable debate on the issue of cheerleaders..But do cricket really need cheerleaders?Or why only this kind of cheer leaders?India,is not short of any culture and arts.Perhaps,worlds most respected country in the matter of tradition,culture and diversities!But with the ‘installation’ of these cheerleaders,aren’t we diluting those treasured traditions?
First of all, a game like twenty twenty itself is an entertainment for the spectators.So why unnecessarily making the cheerleaders as an essential part of these matches?
Secondly, if at all the spectators need any sort of entertainment ,why can’t the IPL proudly present other Indian folklore or any other art forms instead of promoting the obscenity?
Finally..where are our women organisations?..who constantly makes hue and cry over petty issues? Where is our minister who is obsessed with targeting men and roaring in volumes?aren’t these a part of commercializing and exploiting women?
In short its all about hypocracy!One side delivering rambling speeches on stage about rural development,Protection of women…on the other side promoting luxury,commercialization and extravaganzas! who is going to care even if millions of people die in poverty and hunger?the promoters cum politicians will be 'busy' in applauding the twenty twenty 'cheerleaders'..isn't it?