Over the last decade, Indian educational scenario is witnessing a tremendous change, with respect to the quantitative growth of educational institutions.Simultaneously there is an ongoing paper war over the flaws in the present education system,an outcry insisting on the need to make changes in the present education structure for the over all development of a child.A serial of articles criticizing the rote learning continues to occupy the space in journals and newspapers..That means, our system has reached such a state.,.where change has become inevitable..To be precise,the only solution is to revamp the entire education system.The write ups and debates urges for a renewed pattern or rebuilding of the system.Nonetheless,before chalking out the steps for a restructuring,there arises so many questions(not subjective) for which unequivocal answers has to be found.Even though all the debates and exposition are free from ambiguity,most of them jog on to draw generalized approach for this regeneration.Alas,the basic issues are left unnoticed.It would be more fruitful if the discussions addresses the following need.
Objective of education and its need?
Does academics alone is suffice to achieve the objectives?or a combination of academics and non academics?
Does the present disciplinal structure ensures the accomplishment of objectives?
What can be done towards bringing about change?
From where the change should begin?
How it can be brought in?
Who all should act as a bridge in bringing a positive change in the development of a child?
Role of the teachers in moulding the child
Lead role to be taken by the institution towards change
All the above factors have a lasting influence in the growth of a child.Thusly,each and every element has to be analysed carefully,inorder to promote a healthy educational system in our country.