Saturday, April 25, 2009

Classes,Courses and Craps!

I was talking to a friend over the phone.Seems she was sending her kid(6 years) to cricket coaching and skating.Though she wanted to pack  off her kid to swimming classes,she couldn't..because the classes  begun already.I was carefully listening(of course with interest and enthusiasm)to her.Then a question popped up from her side.."Are you sending your kid to any classes? My mind muttered in spontaneity..Oh!yes, I'm sending him to attend humanitarian class'!I think that is the need of the hour.

We particularly the Indians, have become obsessed with stuffing the blooming buds with a lot craps..In the race,we are leaving our humanitarian culture in a trash box...We,the elders are miserably failing to read the mind of the children.Without trying to depict their mind,we impose our interest on them,leaving them shattered.Vacations are meant to enjoy the little pleasures and happiness around life.Yes,Of course,we need to pursue other creative ventures too.For everything,there is an appropriate Time&Age.Unfortunately,we ignore the both.

Hereafter if someone 'asks' me about vacation courses and classes..I am gonna give my 'Humanitarian' reply!Howzzz it??;-)


Scattered Thoughts... said...

dont you think humanitarian culture can be best taught in home itself.. that is where the kids will know to be a better human being.. their culture and ethics.. by seeing the parents and the persons surrounding them.. so no need to send in a class :)) but yeah.. at the extra time I dont think its bad to have them attend some other activity.. at least better than watching TV all day..

Rajeswari said...

ST...thats what i mean..we are becoming so obsessed with all the fancy things around us..While marching to grab all those,we forget our humanitarian classes at home:D.Parents are bothered about 'What Next'?

I am not against sending the kids to pursue creative ventures.But ONE activity at a time.The vacation is not gonna to stop once for all.
Let them enjoy playing with other kids too..

Shaan Menon said...

superb! truly.. thats the need of the hour.. but mroe than that.. its beautifully written..!!! it has the flow.. but disappointed.. it just lasted two paras.. yeah dil maange more!!!

muthu said...

Culture is a way of life and is learn t from the workings of the society and the parents....

I think that by attending a lot of classes and stuff, children miss being children, than learning the culture. Of course people can argue it s better than watching TV.

but isnt it a pity that the only entertainment that we have shown our kids seems to TV nowadays....

Bijoy said...

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